I hereby pledge to provide positive support, care and encouragement for each player participating in the PSA soccer program by following this Code of Ethics:
You are your child’s number one role model! Present the best example of character and behavior at all games and practices.
Comments such as “good play” and “nice try” are fine, but do not coach or give tactical advice during games. Allow the coach to coach the team! Be an enthusiastic, positive supporter of the coaches’ work during games and practices, by your actions and words.
Help the coach aid your player by making certain that your child is on time and properly equipped for all practices and games. If you cannot stay for practices, be sure to pick your player up as soon as practice ends.
Support the team, club, and league as they strive to give your child a positive experience. Volunteer when you can. Say “thanks” to those who give their free time to the sport of soccer. I will follow the guidelines of the PSA, SJSL, SJGSL, NJYSA, and USSF.
Treat all participants (players, coaches, referees and spectators) with the same respect that you would want for yourself and your child. Verbal abuse will not be tolerated in any shape or form.
Learn all you can about the game. Before you attempt to interpret the Laws of the Game, be sure you know and understand them. Referees are there to maintain discipline and fair play. Always accept their decisions without arguing, and help them to help you enjoy the game.
Show good sportsmanship by appreciating good play by both teams. Try to meet the parents of the other team. It is much harder to disrespect someone if you know him or her. Remember that without an opponent there can be no game.
Teach your child how to be a good sport by encouraging them to be a gracious winner and helping them to find positives in a losing effort. Do not condone violent or dishonest play.